Hakijoiden ja huoltajien ilta 18.1.2022

Hakijoiden ja huoltajien ilta 18.1.2022

Ohjelmassa asiaa ammatillisesta ja lukiokoulutuksesta, oppivelvollisuudesta, kaksoistutkinnosta, TUVA-koulutuksesta. Tapahtumassa vastataan myös etukäteen saamiimme kysymyksiin, joita hakijat ja huoltajat ovat meille lähettäneet. Tätä sivua päivitetään ennen...
Muutoksia Lumitin hallinnossa

Muutoksia Lumitin hallinnossa

Kuopion keskustan lukiokampuksen (Lumit ja Lyseo) rehtori Samuli Laitinen siirtyy 10.1. alkaen Jyväskylään Gradia-lukioiden tulosaluejohtaja, rehtoriksi. Toivotamme Samulille onnea uusiin haasteisiin. Kevään 2022 ajan keskustan lukiokampuksen hallinto on järjestetty...
Stage 4 Kuopio 17. – 23. 2. 2019

Stage 4 Kuopio 17. – 23. 2. 2019

We started our last project week by visiting the center of Kuopio and the Puijo winter sports area. We visited the ski jump towers and the Puijo observation tower. After that, the construction of the showroom and the auditorium began at our school auditorium. The...
Stage 3 Ulm 7. – 13. 10.  2018

Stage 3 Ulm 7. – 13. 10. 2018

  In the third stage, all the students of Lumit’s second year dance line began to design dance choreographies using music from the previous stagee. Choreographies were combined with moving robots, which were programmed by students of the Humboldt-Gymnasium...
Stage 2 Ulm 25.2.- 3. 3. 2018

Stage 2 Ulm 25.2.- 3. 3. 2018

One month after the first stage, the project continued in Ulm, southern Germany. During the break, the ideas of the songs had matured in the minds of the students, and in Ulm we started to work on Monday morning. The working days were long, but the result were good....
Stage 1 Kuopio 21. – 27. 1. 2018

Stage 1 Kuopio 21. – 27. 1. 2018

Initially, the task was to familiarize the pupils as well as possible with the use of iPad and Garageband and the basics of songwriting. The pupils worked in Finnish-German workshops, and during the first week the tunes were completed. Mikko Myllykoski from the...